Popular Jobs

Friday, January 30, 2009

Research Technician

School of Chemistry

Closing date: 10/02/2009 Reference: EPS/90068

A research technician is required to assist in a major BBSRC/MRC-funded project. This project is focused on the analysis of nominally all the metabolites (the metabolome) in human serum to define their normal distribution in a healthy population and their role as early indicators of disease and the efficacy of drug and other treatments. You will analyse the metabolites present in human serum by a number of techniques (GC-MS, LC-MS, FTIR and FTICR). You will also be responsible for the maintenance of samples and records, and liaison with the other post holders.

Salary £24,152 - £27,998 p.a.

Informal enquiries Professor Roy Goodacre Email: roy.goodacre@manchester.ac.uk or

Dr Susan McIntyre Email: sue.mcintyre@manchester.ac.uk


How to apply To apply for this vacancy, download a copy of the application form either as a PDF, or RTF:

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You will need a PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat (downloadable from Adobe) to view PDF file(s). PDF files open in a new window.

To request a hard copy The Directorate of Human Resources Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences Tel: + 44 (0) 161 275 8837 Email: eps-hr@manchester.ac.uk

Please quote reference EPS/90068

Closing date 10/02/2009

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